OTG Covid information

Camping & Glamping at OTG during COVID19
During these unprecedented times we have made a few changes at Out To Grass. Our primary concern is the safety of our staff and visitors. The team at OTG take our responsibilities seriously and ask for your cooperation. We require all campers to adhere to current government guidelines.
For 2021, we have implemented a system of dedicated pitches spaced out for privacy and social distancing.
Protecting our staff and site visitors
We have a few guidelines to tackle COVID19:
- Social Distancing to be observed at all times.
- Rubbish to be taken home with you.
- Private toilets available to book
- Bring you own PPE
Showers will be cleaned between uses and cleaning equipment and products will be available for extra use if desired.
Toilets will be cleaned at regular equipment and products will be available for extra use if desired.
Make a booking for Camping or Glamping 2020
We welcome you to OTG for 2020. If you would like to make a booking please click here to book.